Page 2 - Mission Journal
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         MISSION &

                 Rev. Dr. David C. Wu

                 MISSION and THE YOUNG ADULT

           The Role of Young Adult in Mission                      Cultivating Young Adult for Mission Involvement

           When we speak of the role of young adult and mission,   If the aim of young adult ministry is to enable every young
         we are speaking of the main force and players that undergird   adult to become a full and active disciple of Jesus Christ,
         and carrying out the bulk of mission work in the church and   then the church must be intentional in the effort of training
         in the world. In real term, the bulk of all the work done  and cultivating the young adult members of the church: to
         nearly everywhere, is done mostly by young adults of the  prepare, challenge and inspire them to a life of Christian
         world over. This is true in the work of secular world and it is   discipleship. Christian leaders do not just happen willy-nilly.
         also true in the work of the church. While ministries to  The talent and skill of leadership in any person must  be
         children and youth are important and valid in their own  discovered, trained and cultivated. This is where visionary
         right, our hope is to train up the children and the youth in  and discerning leaders in the church are needed to play this
         order that when they reach adulthood, they may become  vitally important role of observing, identifying, selecting and
         active and contributing members of the church. In fact our  training prospective future leaders of the church among
         goal and hope go beyond the church, we are called to be the   their young adults. The process of this cultivation cannot be
         light and the salt of the earth. Our influence and leadership   a one shot approach: giving them a one week session on
         should also impact the society and the world at large.  "how to" seminar to become church leaders. The process
           One telling sign that is common to many vibrant and  must be a sustaining and on-going "accompaniment" process
         growing churches is the ability of these churches in attract-  of living out the content of discipleship by the trainers and
         ing the young adults in the neighborhood in which these  the trainees alike. This is not a process of "knowledge
         churches are located, not only to join the church but to  transmission" but rather a formative living out process of
         become active and committed members of the church      discipleship. This is hard and costly. But this is exactly how
         community. When you see churches with attendance made  our Lord left us with his own example. He carefully called out
         up mostly of retired people, you are witnessing churches in   and chose each of his disciples: guided them, taught them,
         the state of decline. This is not to say that retired people are   chastised them, encouraged them. He lived among his
         no longer important or yet able to make significant contribu-  disciples day and night. In him, the Word became flesh. It
         tion for many years to come. But it is to say, without the  would be difficult to replicate Christ s example for our use
         constant replenishment of younger generation with full  today. But it gives us a hint of an example for us to strive at
         energy and vitality joining the church and undergirding the  as inspiration and goal.
         mission of the church, the ability of that church to be in  At this point, one caveat needs to be mentioned.
         mission is on the wane.                                According to church statistic, about 20% of church members

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