like a healthy and thriving vine or tree.
The conference structure connects
these churches, providing the neces-
sary resources for each, as well as the
Matthew 28:19 provides a blueprint
for congregational development.
Christ's disciples are told to go and
make disciples of all nations through
baptism, teaching, and the proclama-
tion of God's presence in the world.
Our church mission statement mirrors
this command: to make disciples of
Jesus Christ for the transformation of
the world.
"Of all nations" is a key phrase here.
It implies that disciples are not limited
to an exclusive local context (that is a
local church or congregation or
missionary) but are sent out to work
among specific groups of people in
region or area. In fact, Matthew 28:19
is actually a biblical call to create an
infrastructure for the Church in all
Connecting the Nations
through Discipleship
parts of the world, connecting faithful
Christians in one place with new
Christians in all other places. Church
leaders are called to move into a
whole new culture or society, working
among the whole people or nation and
seeking to grow the church there from
a corporate and communal basis. Our
goal is not just scattered groups of
converts in isolated congregations, but
the forging of regional and national
church connections for the long term
sustainability of God's Mission, by
connecting all to the true vine, in a
clear and necessary structure of
Christianity. In this way God's Mission
is organized into sustainable structures
for both current and future growth
and development.
Study Questions: What does this
mean for your congregation's mission
1) In what ways is your local
congregation connected to the whole
of Christ s Church, and thus receiving
"nourishment" for growth and
2) How can your mission program,
and missionaries, be most directed
toward the Biblical goal of making
disciples among "nations" that is
among ethnic and affinity groups of
people around the world?
3) What Church structures are
needed to assist you in fulfilling this
global networking of long-term
sustainable missional outreach?
Dr. John Nuessle
is an Ordained Elder of
the United Methodist Church. He has served
in a various positions within the Global
Ministries of the United Methodist Church.
He held the position of an Associate General
Secretary before his retirement from the
Global Ministries
All About
Mission Journal
"All About Mission" is a video series
produced by Hope5L2F Foundation
to help people better understand
issues related to mission and practice
around the world. Through "All
About Mission" video series, we
invite persons who have experiences
and expertise. We discuss issues
related to mission as a means to help
local churches to engage mission in a
healthy way. The video series can be
found on the Foundation's website
) and, also, on
Youtube (search for "Hope5L2F" or
"All About Mission").