... Transforming Communities
through Economic Development
and Micro-enterprise.
SUMMER 2014 Vol.1 No.2
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Publisher s Note
The theme for the second issue of Mission Journal is "Economic Sustainability" in mission
fields. Today, thousands of faith communities are being developed through mission efforts
around the world. One of the most difficult challenges for us as we engage our mission efforts
is to promote economic sustainability in these faith communities. In order for us to secure the
viability of these newly developed faith communities, it is crucial for us to work with people
in mission fields to promote economic sustainability. For this reason, economic sustainability
has to be an intentional and integral component of our mission efforts.
Dr. John Nuessle, in his book, "Faithful Witness," describes mission as follows: "Mission is
not so much what we do as who we are. We are the church of Jesus Christ that participates in
what God is doing in the world." The way Dr. Nuessle defines "mission" is a wonderful
reminder of how we should engage in mission efforts. Jesus said that he came to the world so
that we may have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). Our mission engagement is also to
fulfill the purpose of Jesus Christ. It is our hope that we can continue to be faithful to God s
purpose, working cooperatively and collaboratively.