Page 8 - Mission Journal
P. 8

Missions in Picture                                                       business entrepreneurs for a variety of
                                                                                  reasons. Business entrepreneurs create jobs,
                                                                                  make contribution to the communities and
                                                                                  help improve their livelihood. At the same
                                                                                  time, they earn opportunities to demon-
                                                                                  strate how God loves people by serving their
                                                                                  staff, suppliers, customers and all their
                                                                                  families with God's heart. BAM is
                                                                                    BAM is not business as usual, missions as
                                                                                  usual, fake business, or profiteering. BAM is
                                                                                  related to but is more than business for
                                                                                  mission, tentmaking, or Christian-owned
                     Jeffrey Lee
                                                                                  business. BAM is holistic, establishes natural
                                                                                  relationship, provides access, promotes
          SfK Ministries-                                                         economic development, creates jobs,
                                                                                  supports local churches and carries out the
          Synergy for the Kingdom                                                 great commission intentionally and
                                                                                  creatively. BAM is highly effective. But, it is
          Equipping and Empowering Missional Businesses                           not easy. Because running a business itself is
                                                                                  quite challenging and it is more challenging
                                                                                  to run it as missional business that is
           I never forget the strong impression that I   mission with integrity. Many of these  intentional about pursuing holistic transfor-
         received from a business in Bangkok,  businesses are located in the least evange-  mation in the lives of people they serve
         Thailand: Nebia House. With an initial  lized and/or poorest nations. They take a  through Kingdom impact. Frequently,
         capital investment of approximately  holistic approach in serving stakeholders and   missional entrepreneurs lack not only
         $15,000, the business produced 45 jobs.  communities to meet their needs as well as   business management knowledge and
         This fact alone was quite impressive, but the   to impact and transform the lives of people   leadership skills but also access to patient
         jobs were not for ordinary people, but for  they serve, including their staff, their  capital to grow their business.
         ladies who were involved in prostitution.  families, their suppliers, their customers and
         They felt hopeless and undignified when  the community they serve. To them, their  Thus, SfK Ministries has been established
         they were in their former vocation, but now   business is their mission.  to equip and empower these missional
         making hand-made dolls, they have
         regained their dignity and found hope again.   Lausanne Movement adopted BAM as a
         This business produced not only economic  form of holistic mission in 2004. BAM has
                                                                                    What is SfK Ministries?
         transformation but also social transforma-  since been defined, refined and adopted by
         tion in the lives of these ladies.   numerous churches and mission agencies
         Furthermore, these ladies were naturally  throughout the world. BAM Global Think
         exposed to Christian faith through active  Tank has been formed and has played a
         interaction with the Christian leadership  pivotal role in developing resources to be
         team of the business, producing spiritual  available to many who are interested in  SfK stands for Synergy for the Kingdom
         transformation as well. The impact was  BAM. BAM is particularly effective in nations   (of God). SfK aims to produce synergy for
         holistic transformation. This business has a  where Christianity is persecuted or illegal. It   God's Kingdom by working together with
         missional purpose and is called a missional  is because these national governments are  like-minded people and ministries in
         business or business as mission (BAM). It  often hostile to Christianity or Christian  supporting missional businesses in Asia and
         was one of the factors that have given birth   missionaries, but they welcome genuine  Africa with financial and intellectual capital,
         to SfK Ministries.

           What is a missional business?

           Missional business, also known as
         business as mission or BAM, isa fully
         functioning legitimate business owned
         and/or operated by missional entrepreneurs
         who intentionally integrate business and

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