Page 13 - Mission Journal
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often times failing. Some have gone as youth in mission technology bring However, these youths have a mission.
far as saying that today's youth are healing to the many causalities in a fast- They mentor and counsel each other
narcissistic and can only focus on paced world where many have lost especially the youngest among them.
material things, fame, self-indulgence footing, and feel abandoned. Their parents were busy trying to
and not interested in leadership or ensure they got a good education, and
policies that govern them. In May, I had the opportunity to not around much, and by tradition,
attend the Buganda Bumu Convention never showed their children love or
The message from the churches in Atlanta. This convention takes place affection, but only strict discipline.
should be relatable to the new genera- every two years and attended by the They planned to be different as adults.
tion. We should understand the Baganda people (one of the many For a good forty-five minutes, the
language of the youth, and establish tribes and largest in Uganda) living in delegates heard the youth s views and
youth friendly policies as well as the diaspora. About eight hundred admonition of adults and learnt from
congregations. We should desist from people came from the UK, Canada, USA them.
using negative language. Some of the and a high-leveldelegation from
negative language expressed by youth Buganda Kingdom, in Uganda. Youth in In conclusion, I believe that youth
include words like the church is: Baganda culture play a big role because today face many more challenges than
of the belief that they are responsible ever before. As adults, it important to
for continuity. Therefor they are be mindful of this fact and make an
involved in all activities and made intentional effort to find ways to help
apprentices to get the various skills. them find a footing in an unstable,
Among the many sessions, was the insecure and frightening world. It may
Youth Session which was quite interest- not be that youth are selfish, or
ing. Just like most youth around the narcissistic, but they are truly fearful of
world, the youth in the diaspora, worry tomorrow and what the future holds.
about the similar things; relationships They are very aware that even the
repressive, doubtful, exclusive, is over with parents and friends, fitting in with adults do not have answers to a world
protective of their own, anti-science their peers, getting good jobs, finding a that dramatically changes from day to
and technology, shallow, lacks transpar- sense of belonging and fulfilment, and day. The church must find ways to give
ency, and finger pointing. Youth don't their future among others. They feel youths some sense of stability and
like condescending behavior. They do that they are under- valued, their ideas continuity so that they can fully engage
not want to receive watered down do not matter, and they are not taken in shaping tomorrow s world and fulfil
messages, but would rather be chal- seriously in their communities, or God s ministry.
lenged and encouraged. churches, this, despite the efforts
parents trying to be inclusive of youth
Pope John Paul when addressing and mirroring what their parents taught
youth said "We need a new evangelism them. In addition to the universal youth
started deliberately, and systematically challenges, the Baganda youth in the
that attracts youth. There is a need to diaspora were trying to live in two
use old truths in new and exciting ways cultures, the USA and that of their
that reach out to youth knowing that parents. At home, they were supposed
they have the ability, energy and to be Africans and yet as soon as they
enthusiasm to light a new fire in the stepped outside their homes, had to
world". Could social media and behave like American. At home, they
technology be harnessed to achieve ate African food, listed to African music An educator and advocate for gender equity
this mission? Could youth, with the and were disciplined as African children. for the last 20 years, Dr. Caroline Njuki has
help of social media, be the catalyst to They said this was not a unique worked with the church, NGOs, the UN, and
bring about change in a world where experience for them alone but true for educational institutions around the world.
She also served as an Associate General
many are lost, hurting, and the use of others from most countries who were Secretary with the Global Ministries of the
social media is out of control? Can second generation Americans. United Methodist
Mission Journal 13