Page 14 - Mission Journal
P. 14



                                                                                                   Dr. Caroline Njuki

          The  journey  towards  spiritual  ma- himself up while holding on to furni- ed.
     turity  may  begin  with  a  spiritual  ture, then standing,  and finally walk-       Spiritual  maturity  is  the  backbone

     awakening, which eventually becomes  ing.  A friend told me that her son did-  of the mission. The mission is articu-
     a way of life.  This evolution can help  n’t crawl either but would pull himself   lated  as  proclaiming  the  gospel  and
     us to engage in mission meaningfully.  up using the family dog and walk with   making disciples of Christ through the
     The  spiritual  maturity  journey  could  it until he could walk by himself.    manifestation  of  the  love  of  Jesus.
     be compared to a baby’s journey from        As a child, spiritual awakening and  Christian leaders must prepare believ-
     birth to maturity.                                                           ers  to  become  spiritually  mature  to
          A  newborn  baby  is  con-                                              serve in ministry meaningfully to en-
     fined  to  one  place  with  no                                              gage in mission.
     ability  to  turn  on  its  own.
     Years ago, in Africa, moth-                                                       Those in mission have "a strongly
     ers were told to turn the ba-                                                felt aim, ambition, or need" to make a
     by every two or three hours                                                  positive change in their congregations
     to  not  lay  on  one  side  for                                             and the world around them. Some in-
     too long otherwise, the baby                                                 vest their focus on addressing the neg-
     might end up with some de-                                                   ative  impact  of  global  warming;  oth-
     formity.                                                                     ers  focus  their  energies  on  human
          I’m  not  sure  if  this  was                                           rights  issues,  children's  or  women's
     “old  wives  tales,”  but  this                                              issues,  in  addition  to  spreading  the
     was  reinforced  into  new                                                   "good"  word  while  preaching.  But
     mothers  right  after  delivery                                              whatever  their  mission,  it  starts  with
     until  they  left  the  hospital.                                            their passion and enthusiasm.
     At the initial stage of its de-                                                   Christian leaders such as apostles,
     velopment,  the  baby  cannot                                                prophets,  evangelists,  pastors,  and
     recognize  anyone  in  the                                                   teachers have reached a level of spir-
     family.                                                                      itual  maturity  that  enables  them  to
          As time goes by, the ba-          awareness  can  be  the  beginning  of  a  carry out the responsibility of preach-
     by becomes aware of its surroundings   journey  towards  maturity  and  fulfill- ing  the  gospel  and  nourishing  their
     and gets familiar with the mother, fa-  ment.  (1  Corinthians  13:11  When  I  communities.    They  can  represent
     ther, siblings, and finally, other house-  was  a  child,  I  used  to  speak  like  a  God's  Kingdom  on  earth,  influence
     hold  members.  The  baby  eventually   child, think like a child, reason like a  society,  interpret  God's  ideals,  and
     learns to  move, sit up, crawl, and  fi-  child:  when  I  became  a  man,  I  did  address  issues  of  injustice,  alleviate
     nally  start  to  walk!    It  is  the  baby’s   away with childish things).          suffering, etc.
     mission journey to maturity.
          During this time, the baby invests       The word mission comes from the       In  our  journey  towards  spiritual
     every  effort  to  accomplish  its  Latin words mitto (to send) and mis- maturity, we take one step at a time to
     “mission.”    Its  efforts  can  be  com- sion (sending), so simply put, we as a  reach  a  higher  degree  of  conscious-
     pared to the journey towards spiritual  church  are  missional  and  are  sent  to  ness  and  humbleness.  It  brings  us
     maturity,  which  doesn’t  happen  in  a  proclaim the good news and make dis- closer to living in a harmonious rela-
     day,  and  involves  twists  and  turns.  ciples of Christ. There are many ways  tionship  with  each  other  and  the
     Each child takes its own time during  to deliver missions or good news, alt- world. Maturity is the knowledge that
     the  various  stages  and  uses  different  hough  this  is  up  to  debate.  Some  comes  with  purposeful  intent.    It
     methods. Some skip a few stages alto- would say, “The Great Commission?”  evolves as we become more aware of
     gether.                                is  primarily  referencing  God’s  send- who we are, our mission, and the state
          My  baby  brother  never  crawled.  ing. For the purpose of this article the  of our being.
     He  went  from  sitting,  then  pulling  various  meanings  will  not  be  includ-      As mature Christians, we continue

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