Page 15 - Mission Journal
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to purposefully work through our feel- can  create  a  nurturing  environment  in knowledge and maturity and finally
     ings,  measure  our  thoughts  and  ac- and unburden our mission.            engage  in  mission  as  mature  Chris-
     tions,  and  become  fully  cognizant  of       Today,  the  world  is  full  of  noise  tians. Real maturity is marked by hu-
     how  they  affect  us  and  those  around  that destructs and makes it almost im- mility.  In my research for this article,
     us.                                    possible  for  us  to  fully  listen  to  our  the Apostle Paul is referenced several
          In a world where decisions are ba- calling or engage in a meaningful mis- times, speaking on the subject of ma-
     sically focused on the "self," material- sion.  We  are  constantly  bombarded  turity.
     ism,  the "I am better than you" con- with  all  kinds  of  information,  news,       Paul  says  that  those  who  lead  the
     cept,  maturity  requires  a  tremendous  the internet, podcasts, meetings, etc.    church  must  mature  in  Christ  and
     amount of will power to dare be dif-                                         demonstrate  their  maturity  to  the
     ferent and pursue what feels right.                                          church  and  their  communities.    He
          There is a strive between the heart                                     says  that  the  goal  of  becoming  more
     and  mind,  will,  self-discovery,  and                                      like  Christ  is  an  ongoing  process  for
     need  to  do  the  right  thing.  Spiritual                                  Christians. It's a life-long pursuit.  As
     maturity requires reaching a high level                                      Christian leaders, we are challenged to
     of self-worth  and  the achievement  of                                      strive  and  to  learn  to  be  more  like
     personal responsibility that can enable                                      Christ. Paul says that even he had not
     us to love unconditionally and give us                                       reached the goal of perfection, but had
     the ability to lift up each other.                                           to keep on working on it.
          It requires us to be compassionate,                                          And just like him, we are called to
     give up control and not self-seek, and                                       press  for  a  deeper  understanding  of
     work  collaboratively.  It  is  a  known                                     God continually. We must pray, fast,
     fact  that  we  achieve  more  when  we                                      meditate,  acquire  knowledge,  seek
     collaborate  than  when  we  compete.                                        silence,  and  practice  brotherly  love.
     Spiritual maturity leads to inner peace,       "A seed grows with no sound, but a  When  Christ-followers  observe  and
     the  ability  to  forgive,  and  free  our- tree falls with huge noise. Destruction  see the examples set by their spiritual-
     selves  of  hatred  and  anger.    It  is  ac- has noise, but creation is quiet. This is  ly mature leaders, they will be encour-
     cepting  what  can't  be  changed  and  the power of silence". (Confucius)  So  aged  to  do  the  same  and  inclined  to
     changing what can.                     how  can  we  hear  the  gentle  voice  of  engage in mission.
          As  we  become  spiritually  mature,  God  calling  us  to  mission  above  all  _______________________________
     we realize that everyone is at a differ- the  noise  and  distraction?    It  is  said
     ent path in their faith journey, and it's  that  silence  is  an  important  exercise   An educator and advocate for gender
                                                                                  equity for the last 20 years, Dr. Njuki
     not  our  responsibility  to  judge  them  because it expresses God's mightiness;   has  worked  with  the  church,  NGOs,
     but  to  help,  support,  and  encourage  it gives us a chance to hear Him and  the  UN,  and  educational  institutions
     them  with  love  and  compassion  as  others so that we can place ourselves   around the world. She also served as
     they  grow so  that eventually, we can  humbly  and  generously  at  their  ser-  an  Assistant  General  Secretary  with
                                                                                  the  Global  Ministries  of  the  United
     engage in mission with them.  Balanc- vice.                                  Methodist Church.
     ing our community's  reality with  self       Silence allows us to learn and grow

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