Page 2 - MJ Winter 2021 Final Final
P. 2
Rev. Dr. David C Wu
The Covid-19 pandemic struck I. First thing first: Put Empha- ganization can do important work
the world nearly two years ago. Left sis on Healing Ministry also: it can be more focused and be
beh ind in the aftermath of its de- more personal in our outreach min-
structive power, five millions lives The urgency for any Christian istry. In fact, many would be happi-
the world over perished. In US ministry today is to keep people er to give to projects and ministries
alone it has taken the lives of more alive. Since effective vaccines have that we have some familiarity with
than 750 thousands residents. And been found and readily available, and know the people involved in
the number is still counting. Alt- Churches and Christian organiza- carrying out the work.
hough the effective covid vaccine is tions need to work with govern-
now readily available in the US for ments at every level to get people For a mission outreach ministry
all citizens to take, the impact of vaccinated. It is heartening to see like that of 5L2F, we can look at
this pandemic has left an indelible that this is being done actively. For some of the countries that we have
mark on our country and the example, Global Mission and worked in the past, such as Cambo-
world. It has brought great changes dia,
in the way the world is functioning Laos,
in politics, economic, trade and
commerce. It has changed also the
way countries and peoples are re-
lating to each other. It impacted
people's daily civic lives. It altered
people's religious lives also.
Covid 19 is a pivotal point in the
affairs of human societies. We can
speak of lives as before covid 19
and lives after covid 19. Since at
present we are not yet home free
from the scourge of covid malady,
we cannot yet speak confidently
about post-covid lives. But one
thing we know for sure that Post
Covid world will not return like the
Pre-covid world as we knew it. The
changes and transformation that
covid 19 have brought to the world UMCOR have raised vast amount of Mongolia and others. Have members
are real and its impact is far reach- funds to support the UN's call for of congregations in those churches
ing and perhaps permanent. As the equitable distribution of vaccines been vaccinated? Could we offer
Christians whom Christ have called all over the world. some funding to help those seeking
to be his witnesses in the world, such help? Could we help one con-
what are we to do? We present Big organizations with great re- gregation or two or more? Could
the following pointers to stimulate sources can do much on the larger we choose a country to become in-
our thought and initiate our discus- scale and for which we rejoice and volved in their health ministry be-
sion. give thanks to God. But smaller or- fore moving on further? The peo-
2 Mission Journal