Page 3 - MJ Winter 2021 Final Final
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ple that we have helped to train ing things may no longer fit for the
in the past and currently form challenge of a new reality. If we b. Flexible
the backbone of leadership in vari- fail to find the new wineskins, the
ous countries must be helped from old wineskin may burst and cause The criteria and methods of being
the onslaught of covid scourge. the wine to be spilled. in mission in our changing world
must have the quality of flexibil-
II. Seeking New Wineskins III. Some Characteristics of New ity. Being flexible does not mean
Wineskins. we are lax in preparation and in-
During Covid period, in order to tention, it simply means we are
avoid church gathering becoming Since our lives now are still be- ready to make the necessary ad-
disease spreader events, nearly all ing engulfed in the aftermath of justment in order to attain the
churches ceased their Sunday wor- covid malady, every idea we hope maximal impact in securing our
ship services and other public gath- to deploy, every solution we at- mission objective. In any given sit-
erings. Later on, some have crea- tempt to offer can remain only in uation, when we are called to tell
tively chosen using electronic and the realm of trial and error. For the reason for our faith, Jesus re-
internet avenues to connect with what we are facing today is wholly minded us not to worry about what
their congregations. In fact, as new and unprecedented. However, to say, the Holy Spirit will inform
they gained experiences in deploy- we suggest some characteristics us how and what to do in such a
ing different medium to communi- that would be helpful in the process situation. Being flexible is giving
cate with their peoples, churches of finding new wineskins. room in which the Holy Spirit can
have been able to maintain a sem- guide and direct us forward.
blance of “normalcy” through their a. Media Savvy
“on line services.” The gathering c. Strategic
events are now extended to cover This perhaps is the most chal-
Bible study, prayer meeting, music lenging aspect that will impact the Strategic means having the abil-
programs, youth programs, Council church ministry and mission work ity and keenness of mind to select
meetings and others. profoundly in the future. During the best options in the midst of
While these are creative and wel- the pandemic period, much of multiple possibilities. In mission
coming phenomena that churches church work and ministries are be- work, when we are confronted with
are using to continue their minis- ing carried out through various needs and requests that are greater
tries in these difficult time, we electronic mediums. Looking to- than what human and material re-
wonder once Covid is behind us, ward the future, many church lead- sources at our disposal can provide,
whether the old pattern of church ers are aiming for a more hybrid choices need to be made. In man-
lives and ministries would return to future that includes maintaining a aging God given resources, we are
full bloom as once were. At present, permanent online services. Those like the sower that sows the seeds:
we don't know what's the future that have done so successfully be- If we sow them in the good soil, the
holds. Many have voiced concern lieve that virtual Sunday services seeds may produce thirty, sixty or a
that “the good old days” will not have allowed them to reach wor- hundred fold. Where, what and how
return again. Churches and Mission shipers across the country and are we do mission produce different
organizations operating under the key to attracting younger members. outcomes in due course. A good
current “new format” are facing the While churches are finding ways to sower sows strategically.
challenge of “financial shortfall.” draw their parishioners back into in
Some are forced to reduce their person services, the fallen church
Academic Dean of Trinity Theolog-
programs and personnel due to fi- attendance during this pandemic
ical College in Singapore for 20
nancial constraint. So in the ever period has been compensated by years.
changing scenes of mission situa- drawing a large number of people Assistant General Secretary for
tion today, we are called to seek who join them in the live and rec- Mission Initiatives at General Board
of Global Ministries in New York
new wineskins. Our old way of do- orded services online each week.
City for 10 years.
Mission Journal 3