Page 8 - MJ Winter 2021 Final Final
P. 8
Dr. Caroline Njuki
The subject under discussion in this
issue has been a challenge right form the
biblical times. Communities have always,
and if things remain the same, will al-
ways have some people living on the
fringes. The marginalized, vulnerable, the
poor, the oppressed, and those without a
voice have continue to be amongst us
despite policies that attempt to make a
change. Over centuries, individuals,
groups governments, educational insti-
tutes and churches have tried to grapple
with social justice issues and to address
the challenges of establishing a just soci-
ety where all are treated the same. Vari-
ous programs, and all kinds of solutions
to ensure some basic rights have been
attempted but the solution remains elu- motes ethnic and cultural collaboration;” aligned with the poor like Jesus focused
sive. Even within the Scandinavian mod- “a society where there is an equitable on the poor and down trodden; Luke
els of social justice where attempts to distribution of wealth, observation of the 1:52-53 He has brought down rulers from
ensure everyone is adequately care for, a laws that govern that community where their thrones and lifted the humble. Mal-
few fall within the cracks. there are safety nets for individuals who achi; 3:5 “I will come to put you on trial. I
The term social justice was first coined might have otherwise fallen into the will be quick to testify against……those
by Luigi Taparelli d’Azeglio, a Sicilian cracks”; ” where the concerns for the who defraud laborers off their wages,
priest in 1840. In the 20th century, social minority, the poor, and vulnerable and who oppress the widows, and the father-
justice activists started to use it in their oppressed groups in society are consid- less and deprive the foreigners among
advocacy vocabulary and over the years ered”; ”a concept that is both political you of justice …….”
it has taken on additional meaning. Social and philosophical that all people should Since “social” and “just”, are just phil-
justice is not a tangible phrase and can have equal access”. osophical, it becomes a very murky sub-
be vague and complex to define. It can On many occasions Jesus speaks about ject. Could this be the clue as to why the
be interpreted differently depending on the marginalized class of people. Again, concept is so elusive and hasn’t been
the culture, religion, politics, social ori- and again, He says that the reason why achieved? Considering the difference in
entation, etc. The words raise questions His Father sent Him was for the sake of cultures, social economic backgrounds,
such as: what is social justice; what are people like these. He came to work religions, plus a myriad of other differ-
the root causes of social injustice; why among them and challenge policies and ences, how does a policy maker decide
is social just so difficult to achieve arise. individuals that marginalized the vulnera- on what is fair or just to establish poli-
The term social justice as used today in- ble. Liberation Theology, a mix of Chris- cies? How does society address written
cludes a few of these broad definitions tian theology based on Marxist ideas, and sometimes unwritten laws that dis-
here: ”laws and regulations that aim to incorporates social concerns for the poor criminate against women, the elderly and
eradicate all systems of oppression by and political liberation for oppressed the migrant? For example, in some reli-
redistributing and expanding resources peoples. It tries to interpret scripture gions, it is acceptable to burn the widow
and opportunities”; ”a society that pro- through the plight of the poor and as fol- together with the body of her late hus-
vides a balanced educational system, lowers of Jesus Christ, people must work band. Where is the social justice? In
promotes healthy relationships, pro- towards a just society to bring about so- many African countries it is an oral law
motes human rights and dignity, and pro- cial and political change. Policies must be that when one brother dies, another in-
8 Mission Journal